Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This might be why some don't like seafood..

This one takes the cake.

While driving down one of South LA's main thoroughfare's, I noticed a random guy out in the street, about 6 feet away from the curb and with one of his arms up in the arm.

My immediate thought was that he was attempting to flag someone down or get someone's attention by waving his hand high up in the air. As I got closer I realized I was quite mistaken.

You see, it turns out this guy had a lobster in that hand of his he had high up in the air. Yes, that delicious crustacean is apparently being hawked on the corners of South LA. The best part was that it was a sunny, 90 degree afternoon.

No need to worry though, he had a cooler next to him where I presume is where the lobsters were being stored when not up in the air like Simba from Lion King.

Anyone know the street value of seafood?

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