Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Reasons Our patients lose glasses ..................

"I took a shower at my friends house and when I got out my deodorant and my glasses were gone"

" I just got out of jail, was on the bus and realized I didnt have them on"

"I went to Mcdonalds drive-thru and when I was on the other side I no longer had them on"

"I dont know what my dog was thinking, he took them and hid them"

"a girl slapped them off my face at school"

" my baby momma came to my door, when she saw me she punched me in the face breaking my glasses"

"I was bailing my friend out and the people behind the counter mustve taken it while I was filling out the forms"

"My glasses fell in the toilet and someone flushed it"


  1. LOL. Well, they all sound like very logical, valid reasons... hahaha...


    The one about the baby momma and bailing someone out were the best! ROFLMAO
